Pup Ponders The Heat Death of The Universe

1 min readOct 11, 2020


Wow! I really did not expect to see such a cool comic! I think the cartoonist did a great job with the story even though it was really short. I loved that it focused on the pictures instead of a lot of text. I especially liked the format of the comic. For example, when the pup went to space I liked how the format was not in blocks like in every other comics, but it became a strip. The photos gradually became larger and larger (which was the best part) and then eventually back to normal. The formatting really showed the big picture and made the pup look like he was really floating in infinite space. Additionally, I did not expect such a laid-back caption on the top. I thought it was kind of funny, and like it was totally informal. I was getting good vibes about the cartoonist just by reading the caption. I feel like reading this comic with your friends can start deep/intellectual conversations about the universe. Especially, when the pup asks a question and how the ending was abrupt. The detail and overall creation is beautiful!



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