Social Experiment: Terms and Conditions

2 min readOct 4, 2020


The video by Inside Edition “Social Experiment Proves That No One Really Reads Terms and Conditions” really opened my eyes about how people are not cautious at all! Youtuber Jena Kingsely decided to test how many people actually read what they are signing off on in a funny social experiment. Anyone is able to enter the contest to win a free iPad by signing up with their name and email and agreeing to the terms and conditions. Not only was this social experiment funny, but I thought it was a great example of presenting the consequences of not reading the terms and conditions. I personally would read the terms and conditions or let the organizer tell me all the conditions before accepting. I feel like anything that has to do with entering a contest or big draw then I try to find out the rules or any contractual terms beforehand. However, I have to admit that I still do not pay as much attention to the terms and conditions with other situations.

For example, everytime I update my iPhone I never read the terms and conditions. Sometimes there might be a pop-up or brief description of the terms; however, I will completely disregard reading the information and hit “agree”. I believe this is the one contract people completely ignore because without agreeing nobody is able to use their phone with new features, updated security, and bug fixes. It allows access to downloading preinstalled apps in the App Store and higher compatibility. I believe their terms and conditions seem very professional and everything is thoroughly reviewed.

Additionally, social media apps have the terms and conditions before creating an account. Frankly, almost all the apps have the terms and conditions. This reminds me of the topic from last week regarding the internet collecting as much data as possible about its users. A lot of people turn their location services on without reading any terms of use. Thus, this greatly helps because of targeted advertising and algorithms. I will try to be more cautious now!



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